
2015/06/28: Babies below age one already use gadgets

I'll give a small summary of the article.
 Here, I'm going to make a criticism on the article. In the fourth paragraph, there is only one reason why parents expose their children to gadgets and electronics. The article said that the result found some reason why they do so. Therefore, the number of reasons written in the article is too small than the article should introduce.

... Here it was my opinion, but I read the article again, this criticism is not proper.
The article mentioned about a study that searched how many parents let their children use gadgets and electronics.. The study introduced showed that the parents give electronics to children under age one because they want to run errands and household chores. Gadgets distract and calm children, and is used to get children sleep.

See the original article.


2015/06/23: Canada's House of Commons Approves Anti-Terrorism Act

Canada's House of Commons has approved the Anti-Terrorism Act in early May.

The Act or Bill C-51 would enable Canadian Security Intelligence Service to prevent a criminal in advance. The Bill C-51 was developed after last year's terrorism attacks in Canada. In the attacks, a gunman killed a soldier stationed at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. The gunman attacked nearby parliament buildings. In the same month, a man who was a recent convert to Islam killed one soldier and injured another at a car park in Quebec.

The problem of this action is that many Canadian people opposite this Act, although Bill C-51 intends to address Canada's issues on terrorism. A poll by the Forum Research Inc. revealed that 56% out of 1,239 Canadians were against the bill. Furthermore, only a quarter of the respondents thought the bill would have positive effects on their lives, while 42% thought otherwise.

 This kind of an act is being discussed in Japan. This movement is very common in the whole world because of escalating violence by Islamic States. This may cause fascism in some countries.

See the original paper.

2015/06/27: Paris plans to invest cycling

Paris government announced that they plan to invest cycling in the city aiming at enhancing tourism.
700 km roads are going to be added to the whole Paris cycling road over all. The road to construct is built separately from the traffic on the main road.

See the original text.




  • 本論

  • 参考文献
[1] 「相次ぐ特許侵害招くアステラス製薬の弱み」, 『集中CONFIDENTIAL』, 2009, http://medicalconfidential.
[2] 「【企業特集】アステラス製薬「武田超え」の好業績でも研究部門削減を急ぐ危機感」, 『DIAMOND
online』, 2013, http://diamond.jp/articles/-/39500
[3] 「7期連続増配の公算大きいアステラス製薬の強みとは」, 『ZUU online』,
[4] K. Ogawa, 「東京大学知的資産経営研究講座」研究報告書, 145-189, 2015
[5] a3(a・cube), アステラス製薬 , http://www.astellas.com/jp/a-cube/about/
[6] 渡辺裕二, 特許研究, 32-40, 48, 2009
[7] 鳥居稔, 特許庁技術懇話会, 61-74, 254, 2009
[8] JPMA News Letter, 20-25, 136, 2010


2015/06/22: major egg producer in US agrees to lessen water discharges

 Cal-Maine Foods Inc., a major egg producer in the United States, has agreed to reduce its water pollution discharge in response to its Clean Water Act violations.

The agreement is part of a settlement with the US Department of Justice and the Environment Protection Agency. The settlement asks Cal-Maine to comply with Mississippi's water discharge permit.

The company released excessively nitrogen-rich waste water on fields during winter.
Its farms stoer animal wastes in huge tanks that usually leak during days with heavy rain. When these tanks leak, they release antibiotic residues and harmful bacteria that can contaminate water supplies.

See the original.


2015/06/20: Using clean fuels in buses may lessen the number of school absences among students

A recent study reported that using clean fuel could lessen the number of school absence among students.

The study from the University of Michigan and the University Washington involved 275 elementary students.
The researchers measured the relation between air pollution in buses and the number of school absence. Results showed that using cleaner fuels lessened the number by 8%.

They discussed about the cause that the existing diesels use the fuel with much sulfur. Burning fuels which contain sulfur causes soot and the black exhaust fumes. Children who inhale these the exhaust fumes may be suffered from irritations to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.

Therefore, the report concluded that diesel fuels make students unhealthy and sometimes absence, so the fuel should be replaced by cleaner fuels.

  1. particulates: micro particles
  2. soot: black substance made of carbon
  3. the black exhaust fumes: a gas emitted from the exhaust pipe of a car
  4. irritation: an inflammatory reaction in a body part that got exposed to something
    ex)The dust caused irritation in his eye.

See the original article.

2015/06/21: a possible alternative of workout protein?!

Researchers of Cornell University found that a new alternative of protein shakes after a workout.

The researcher team created the modified chocolate milk called the Big Red Refuel, which was come up with after many computer simulation. The Big Red Refuel has enough water to replenish and 16 grams of protein for muscle replenishment. (A person weighing 150 to 160 pounds needs around 20 grams of protein for muscle replenishment.)

The modified chocolate is also focused on by researchers from the Harvard Medical School because the chocolate can help reduce lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Check the original material.


2015/06/19:Malaria vaccine now on its final testing stages

 A mararia vaccine called RTS, S is about to be published.

Though it is the fact that the vaccine is more effective to young children than to infants, the vaccine is populated by the World Health Organization.

Vaccines for malaria is licensed nowhere, however, anti-maria medications are prescribed to people who are going to countries where malaria is common.

See the original.

v. t. prescribe a medication to a person.


2015/06/15: A Possible Reason of Rebellious Attitude

 A study delivered by researchers from the University of Southern California reported a possible reason why teenagers develop a rebellious attitude.

In the study, MRI images of 22 teenagers were recorded after seeing specific videos.
The participants who saw other teenagers instead of their parents show rebellious attitude.
The researchers concluded that teenagers who are away from their parents tend to become violent as a defense mechanism.

See the original article.


Sustainable Program, Cardborigami

Hovsepian, a graduate from the University of Southern California, has invented a personal origami-inspired shelter that the homeless can use.

Cardborigami, the shelter, is delivered by Hovsepian's non-profit organization.
The product was provided to aim to alleviate homelessness.

Many people have tried tackling poverty problems, but to solve those problems, it is required to make the solution sustainable.

Hovsepian and her organization are engaged in this obstacle, they developed a four-step path out of homelessness.
Cardborigami is the first step of the path. The first step ensure the participants of the program are in a safe and private environment with Cardborigami. Then, second is helping integrate homeless people back into society by giving the necessary training, job placement, and social services.
The thrid step entails finding permanent housing for the homeless.
The last step is hiring the participants of the program to help in creating Cardborigami.
The article says that therefore, the program can be sustained.

see the original article.