
2015/06/20: Using clean fuels in buses may lessen the number of school absences among students

A recent study reported that using clean fuel could lessen the number of school absence among students.

The study from the University of Michigan and the University Washington involved 275 elementary students.
The researchers measured the relation between air pollution in buses and the number of school absence. Results showed that using cleaner fuels lessened the number by 8%.

They discussed about the cause that the existing diesels use the fuel with much sulfur. Burning fuels which contain sulfur causes soot and the black exhaust fumes. Children who inhale these the exhaust fumes may be suffered from irritations to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.

Therefore, the report concluded that diesel fuels make students unhealthy and sometimes absence, so the fuel should be replaced by cleaner fuels.

  1. particulates: micro particles
  2. soot: black substance made of carbon
  3. the black exhaust fumes: a gas emitted from the exhaust pipe of a car
  4. irritation: an inflammatory reaction in a body part that got exposed to something
    ex)The dust caused irritation in his eye.

See the original article.

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