Hovsepian, a graduate from the University of Southern California, has invented a personal origami-inspired shelter that the homeless can use.
Cardborigami, the shelter, is delivered by Hovsepian's non-profit organization.
The product was provided to aim to alleviate homelessness.
Many people have tried tackling poverty problems, but to solve those problems, it is required to make the solution sustainable.
Hovsepian and her organization are engaged in this obstacle, they developed a four-step path out of homelessness.
Cardborigami is the first step of the path. The first step ensure the participants of the program are in a safe and private environment with Cardborigami. Then, second is helping integrate homeless people back into society by giving the necessary training, job placement, and social services.
The thrid step entails finding permanent housing for the homeless.
The last step is hiring the participants of the program to help in creating Cardborigami.
The article says that therefore, the program can be sustained.

see the original article.
Cardborigami, the shelter, is delivered by Hovsepian's non-profit organization.
The product was provided to aim to alleviate homelessness.
Many people have tried tackling poverty problems, but to solve those problems, it is required to make the solution sustainable.
Hovsepian and her organization are engaged in this obstacle, they developed a four-step path out of homelessness.
Cardborigami is the first step of the path. The first step ensure the participants of the program are in a safe and private environment with Cardborigami. Then, second is helping integrate homeless people back into society by giving the necessary training, job placement, and social services.
The thrid step entails finding permanent housing for the homeless.
The last step is hiring the participants of the program to help in creating Cardborigami.
The article says that therefore, the program can be sustained.
see the original article.
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